Cities Skylines switch redeem code

Cities Skylines switch Redeem Code

Developer: Colossal Order Platform: Nintendo Switch Release: 13, September 2018 Genre: Party Mode: Single-player

How to Redeem a Download Code Cities Skylines for Nintendo switch

Select Nintendo eShop on the HOME Menu to launch the Nintendo eShop.
Select the account you want to use.
Click “Enter Code” on the left side of the screen.
Enter the 16-character download code.
The game will begin downloading once the code is confirmed.
-Select Download Cities Skylines Switch.

Cities Skylines

Cities Skylines switch Download Code

Get Cities Skylines switch free download code

No sooner did EA lock up the SimCity studios of Maxis, Paradox Interactive comes around the corner and delivers cities: skylines, a city simulation that makes the pain around the cult series of Will Wright more bearable. Rather than simply adapting the idea of the spiritual predecessor, Paradox makes what you do best: a global simulation reduces to a huge city. For example, you need to stomp a city out of the ground similar to SimCity, which is based on different districts, wants to be supplied with electricity and water, and should also have the usual urban services, but goes a few more steps. With different milestones, which are the size of your city, your new building and wonders will unlock, which can finally make a megapol from your small village.

How to use Cities Skylines download code switch

click on the download button Cities Skylines Redeem Code
a new offers pop up, choose one offer, click on it
complet the offer on the new browser tab to the end
when you complete the survey correctly the download will unlock automatically
the download will begin automatically

Unlock and Play Cities Skylines Switch Free

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